Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Notice One Student

During the next week, focus on observing just one student using technology as they work and learn.
What did you observe? (engagement, greater access to information, ability to learn new skills or practice old ones, confusion, etc.)
What are the next steps for that student? For you? And what does this imply for other students.


  1. I have been working with a student who is very shy when using voice threads. She doesn't want to speak and be recorded in class. She lets her partner do all the talking. I worked with her individually to practice using the doodle function and speaking. She is gaining confidence. With me she was able to highlight and discuss her observations and give evidence. Several days later within the class she was once again shy and let the partner do all the talking. I am working with her partner to get him to ask her questions to which she can respond.

  2. With the assistance of Andy, I am learning how to use voicethread as not only a student response tool, but a teaching tool as well. Lessons are modified, recorded and represented pictorally. My student is gaining confidence with the subject matter and able to share what he has learned in a way that takes away the reading/writing component with which he struggles.

  3. At the very basic level I notice that students who are exposed to technology and use it not only in school but at home are the "teachers". Many times while I am working with a small group and the computers are being used as a "center" the experts will help the others. These "experts" are not always the high fliers. These students have been empowered by technology and it is yet another literacy avenue in which they can soar...that makes me smile. :)

  4. Pat Said....
    I was watching one student in particular, when I saw that they are not feeling comfortable with technology at all. It may be her personality, but maybe not. The next step will be to get her on the computer more often and walk her through it all, then let her play with it with guided help. I worry about the tentative students that worry about how to use the computers, they need more one- one and guided help to become more comfortable with what they are doing. How awkward it must seem for them that others sore at what they are doing with a keyboard and they are sitting back and observing the others. Until we teach them the willingness to try and that they won't hurt anything it will be difficult for them.

  5. As I watch the students in my class use the technology I notice that most of them can navigate their searches much more independently than earlier in the school year. One student in particular was constantly asking the most basic questions. Now that same student searches with confidence. We have been building our background knowledge with a class book we are reading called Snow Treasure. We are looking up things about WW 2, Germany, Norway, life in the 1940's etc. using google. I am very pleased with what this student has been able to find and use for her research.
    The next steps for this student is to have her comfotable enough to actually help others. It's good to see now how smoothly web searches are going for the entire class. We will continue to explore other web and program functions.

  6. I have noticed that as students have more access on a regular basis to using various programs, they are understanding basic commands within the programs better. I can say "click the save button" or "log off" or "open my documents" and many know how to navigate that very easily. As I watch one student in particular, I notice that while his daily communication skills are very low, he is proficient on using a computer and navigates, types, and works very quickly (and with much better results than a paper/pencil task or even an activity!) I would like to try to access the computer for most of his academics, as this is probably a more likely route for this student over time anyway.

  7. As part of our APPR, Erin and I are using VoiceThread to enhance the students' writing. We recently used VoiceThread as a brainstorming tool. We had the students draw a picture of a family holiday tradition, put them on VT, and had the students talk about the tradition. Then other students made comments and asked questions. When the students went to write their essays about their traditions the students who usually struggle with getting started were able to get right to work. They already had ideas and a direction they wanted to take. Erin and I are now incorporating VT into our other writing assignments.
