Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Video Reactions

Responses to videos posted at http://grotonevolves.wikispaces.com/Media+Teasers

What did you see that interested, intrigued, or provoked you?

What implications do you see for teaching and learning?


  1. I think we need to find ways to help all kids become engaged and immersed. I am excited by the potential of the tools that are out there, but feel we are all chalenged in moving wisely toward using them.

  2. I watched the video of the math teacher using the world around us to teach math. He takes his camera everywhere with him and posts pictures for his students to discuss. I love it and want to know how to do it. Well, I know how but I need to be more proficient at it.

  3. I worry that we are moving really quickly into technology. Will our students truly understand what they are being taught? Will the "traditional" methods be dropped entirely? If so, what will our children do should they encounter that format, which will be unfamiliar to them?

  4. Web 2.0 provides so much potential for teachers and students to be more connected, creative, and resourceful learners. All it takes is some dedicated time, a desire to learn/grow, and a willingness to take risks! I hope we all have that desire! ~Tim

  5. Kathy Cassidy's video got me thinking about how I'd like to set up blogs for different subjects/students to use and for parents and others to "see into" our classroom. It's time to learn more and get rolling. I'm also curious about blogmeister.

    Dick Brecht

  6. I thought it was great that students were becoming familiar with many types of technology at the elementary level. The video showed how easy it was to start out small and grow the use of technology in the classroom over time.


  7. I appreciated the comment that the application of technology was a process that could be entered a little bit at time time, depending on the teacher's comfort level. This makes me less apprehensive to use technology as I feel it is ok to use it at my own pace, without being an expert at everything.

  8. I watched both You Tube It really made me think...

  9. I love the availability of information at the touch of a button. Many times in my class, we have wondered about something, looked it up on the computer, and found out immediately. It is a challenge to get each child on the computer and provide support while trying to continue with another activity.

  10. I think that using technology, such as wikis and blogs, can get our most reluctant students interested in literacy. I love the idea of publishing student stories by putting them on a wikipage. I also like the concept of video conferencing with students from different places but am wondering if there is a site that helps you get in contact with a class from a particular state/country. -Bridget

  11. I watched both You Tube videos that were produced by a person from Kansas State. The most powerful statement, I felt was when the girl in the lecture hall held up a sign that said, "The job that I will have is not even in existence today." I think this statement speaks to the rapid change of technology and the attitude of students toward change...

  12. I think the title "Learning to Change - Changing to Learn" describes where many of us are in our technological journey. Our students' classroom goes beyond the four walls of our school. We need to connect them to that classroom and equip them to be successful in the world they are apart of.

  13. In the first video I connected to the commentary regarding memorization of information being replaced by knowing how to find, and evaluate, valid information. I agree that knowing how to find information for education or problem solving is a critical skill for all.

    In Kathy Cassidy's video I wondered how issues of protecting student identity were addressed. It's exciting to have the world interact with a child's writing/artwork but perhaps scary too.


  14. I believe that technology is a powerful tool that must be taught in order to use thoughtfully and with respect to others. It should be a teaching device. I will be fascinated to learn how to create these learning environments that connect our students to the rest of the world. Our world is multicultural and our students need to know how to thrive in this life style which is so foreign to many of us.
    Tools such as technology bring us closer together as a multicultural world, but must be emphasized that they are a tool that can impact and have serious consequences if not used with respect. I do not want to sound negative, I am excited at this opportunity to bring these skills to myself and then on to our students. It is a fantastic opportunity to them in our small community of Groton.
    Pat Berry

  15. Interesting but scarey for me as I don't feel my computer skills are wherre they probably should be. I am taking baby steps.

  16. I liked Kathy Cassidy's video because it really got me thinking how much the students are engaged in using the internet. They really get excited when a parent or someone they knows comments on what they have done in school.

  17. The parent involvement seems like it would be such a positive thing to add to our community. Maybe more than the select group of interested parents will log on and get excited about education and not just extracurricular activities. Plus, what a wonderful way to include the community as well as family who do not live close enough to share in their children's education.

  18. Kathy Cassidy
    I was very excited to see the first graders using technology to enchance their learning. I don't know much about blogs, but am now interested in trying to use them in my classroom.

    Nancy T

  19. Loved the videos.
